The day that i shit turd and u dont even care about how the candy machine works and why do i have to care about ur mother?
Mind the blabbering title, i was bored and nuthing in the world seem interesting. Anyways , as promised , these are pictures taken during my last trip to sg gabai. Sorry to disappoint , but no pictures of wet bra. hahahha take that!
sumpah nak muntah!
macam anak2 badak duk dalam air. hahah
i injured myself while playing slide. it hurtssssss! and stilll is. booohoo~
tunggu la seminggu baru baik :D
tu ah..sakit gila..demnit..nak naik tangga pun tak bole..
demand gambar wet bra
tak bole..nanti i bagi u vacashyun baru tau
tak bole..nanti i bagi u vacashyun baru tau
i can haz a vacashyun wit u?
cannot. or else ill divide u..baru tau..
teruk sial.... sampai nak post 2 kali... T___T
i bosan skrg takde tempat nak bersepam
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