Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sticky Wicky With Me

Hello you,
Let me tell u something about my almost widely known interest / habit among my close friends. No its not something unusual nor it is something destructive , but just a mere non-harmful , almost cute past-time preference by choice known as collecting sticky illustrated paper or turn something naturally plain into something that is heavily decorated with scattered around stickers.

For some reason, i have not done so for quite some years now because my long time interest has become such a nuisance to others , in a cynical kindda way which i enjoyed every ounce of it , u know seeing them flinch whenever encountering my stuff covered in cute stickers. It such a bundle of joy filling my cheeky nature seeing them as such. Soon after ive grown physically old and mentally wiser but not necessarily mature if one would notice. Being a "mature-teens" as i would like to call it forever and after , does take up all my times with commitments i bound to commit but as time passed by , all my childish likings sorrowfully sunken beneath down the unavoidable process of growing up.

But the other day on my last trip to Hatyai , i was strucked by this amazing piece of tuppence sticky paper. My mind forbid me to buy it but my heart goes for different pursue and i always believed in following ur heart rather than rational decision , and that explains the many wrong turns ive made throughout my life but i have a strong feeling that this is going to be different. So i purchased it , put it neatly in my bag and drove back. Yeah Thai is like my second home only my tongue wasnt accustomed to their dialect.

Anddddd laterrr, i completely forget about the existence of this sticker and go on with my life until one day i found it , still laying neatly the way i put it before inside one of the compartment in my luggage. I took it off and decided to fulfill its sole purpose of existence . So then with the help from my determined minion , namely : my boifren , we , but mostly him successfully completed sticking the whole sticker on my white keyboard.

Somehow , i regretted it because its too flashy and my eyes couldnt take such nonsense anymore. New keyboard awaits.

malas nak rotate. sekian

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