Monday, May 17, 2010

Untitled Rnaintg

I dont have the fucking zen to continue on writing. Maybe my life is so undeniably mundane right now that putting it in words would be a abomination to the progressive of human mind.

Maybe i'd just fuck and leave everything up ; study and friends mostly , and obligations , and commitments , and anticipation , and expectation , and what not . I'd go and travel , meet people from all walks of life , adapt in their style of living and when m bored its time for another culture to be explored. I'd love to venture into this exploration , just to plunge into a different perspectives of life perhaps. Not too long , a year or two would be suffice for this transient foreign crusade. I just want to get out from this tiny suffocating comfort zone of mine.

Above all , i'd want my baby lover boy to be there , holding my hand in this journey.

Sigh , how i wish life was that easy. Im having a quarter life crisis over here. Maybe a too long period of studying turn me into this. Im gonna finish my Master soon and after that NO MORE STUDY for this young lady!

or perhaps , m gonna work and gather all the necessary data for my PhD research. Just one level down , why would i wanna waste that chance of not getting my doctorate now would i?

Gila , Dr Dayana Wong. Awesome sangat tu!

Ok , eat time now , my stomach is going to commence into a battle warfare now if its not being fed anytime soon. Be good dear darlingest!

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