Friday, January 30, 2009

The Could Be The Last One. Or not

Hello , hi and all sorts of greets from 10 different languages including the one you could never pronounce fluently no matter how hard u roll ur tongue.

I'm sorry for my void in writing lately. Its not that i dont want to write or update anything , i love to write ,u dear readers out of many ppls shud know dat writing is my passion. But sometimes when ur mind is somewhere else , and ur body seem to be involuntarily lazy , and day by day seem to pass by sombrely , u have no choice other then to just unwillingly release and surrender urself to the situation.

oh my, i've become increasingly vapid and blatanly uninteresting. I think m gonna stop writing for awhile. maybe just a little while. i have to focus on things , have to prioritize which is which.

Really really have to organize and untwine my strands of complicated thoughts or else..

sigh.i hope this is just temporary.

p/s : writers block really bitchsucksweetballsofhorsefly! i am really in distress , can somebody help me?

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Lonesome of Pure Heart

For the things ive done wrong ,
on bended knees , full-hearted , without any doubt , i say , m sorry

For the things that i never quite say it clear,
keep inside in this close heart ,bootless to say it on stage , in here i slum myself , without knowing how to start.

For the way u treated me , wrong , good or merely unintended with or without say , action or thoughts,
again ,nay saying that thee is villain , but just a meekly stirred in mind , for that i forgave u.

For the bleed thee caused , the tears streaming down ,the pain dear oneself put through
and because of that , i begged mercifully upon creator , so that thou wouldn't be punish.

Sliding smoothly through tongue , giving pretty words , incomparable with hers , sphery eyne of mine,
utter sweet cherries love , tougher than cupid's spirits golden arrow,
and with that , i pledged my troth , the troth that thou betrayed , violated then at the back of my spine ,

for that i forgave.
with dove's beak bringing greens , i forgave.
those serpent tongue of thine , i forgave.
those mimic truest wink of dear prince of thou , i forgave.

but dont continue, the pain has to end 'ere.
repent. redeem. reconcile.

p/s : classic literature would compensate the lack of inches in ur pants. so start reading one and who knows u might scored urself a nymph.

Friday, January 23, 2009

The Redish Oriented Festive

People often ask me whether i celebrate CNY or not.

the answer is YES! i do, but not so much anymore. In fact when chinese new yeah is around the corner, i feel kindda guilty. because believe it or not , i dislike it !


too much red! it hurts my eyes wherever i go. and not to mention the distracting high pitch cny song that would literally kill a horse. suicidal seh! my chinese ancestors are so gonna choke me to death tonite. then again , who cares, they dont even know my name. HAHHAHAHA!!

so anyways, GONG XI FA CHAI to all my chinese friend , cousin , aunt and uncle dan kepada mereke2 yg ade pertalian darah cinun dgn dirikun

p/s : thanks to papa who never failed to give me money , both on raya and cny. hahahha!! kalau die ade campur india mesti aku nie akan jadi ambasodor masyarakat majmuk.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Endless Nonsense (UPDATED with another RALAT)

ari nie aku budak baik


aku beli kerepek dari makcik yg tua penyek bawak 2 bag besar kerepek.

somehow aku rase obliged utk beli kerepek dari die tu. maybe sebab aku ade *soft sport utk org tua yg berhempas pulas buat kerja berat. aku rase bag die tu berat sangat , urat2 die mesti sakit. mesti kat rumah die ade satu almari yg penuh ngan tiger balm yg die beli bundle kat mydin. eh ade ke jual bende camtu kat mydin? i dont know.

mula2 mmg aku tanak beli sebab aku tau kerepek die tak sedap. mane aku tau? sebab aku da pernah kene kat uptown hari tu. aku tgk makcik nie cam lagi 3 hari je bole idop,so aku kesian maka aku pun beli la kerepek kat die. bukak2 je kerepek tu ade satu bau yg amat disturbing, apantah lagi bile da makan. so kerepek tu aku bawak balik and jamu kucing2 kat tepi jalan. sorry aku tade niat nak hina kerepek tu tapi mmg betul. rasa dia kurang menarik.

anyways, makcik tadi tu , die masok di perkarangan kedai ngan basah2 sebab hujan agak lebat kat luar. org first die nampak aku. mata kami bertemu in this odd kindda way, macam aku nie cucu yg die jual ikut gram suatu masa dulu. mesti harga aku murah sebab aku ni tade la berat sangat. so makcik tu datang dekat ngan aku,sambil mengheret 2 plastik bag merah yg tebal,macam mana aku tau die tebal? sebab aku tak nampak kandungan isi bag tu dari jauh. so it has to be thick! has to be!

sungguh! mula2 aku mmg tanak beli. aku da determined mmg tanak beli. aku tanak kene tipu lagi macam ari tu. tapi apakan daya, aku tak kuat

makcik : cu..beli la cu kerepek makcik nie..tlg la cu
aku : erghhh tape la makcik *sambil mata fixed kat laptop*
makcik : tlg la cu..beli la satu je
aku : bagi la kerepek pedas tu satu makcik. brape? 3 ringgit stengah? ok nah nie makcik. keep the change
makcik : ape? cip the kayn?
aku : aaa..makcik simpan je duit lebeh tu

tgk, apa da jadi? aku mmg tak percaya diri sendri sejak azali lagi. hati kata lain , otak kata lain. cane aku nak percaya org kalau aku tak bole percaya diri sendri? is dat even humanly possible for one to not trust their ownself?

aku rasa makcik2 yg jual kerepek nie adalah satu scam cam scam budak2 yg mintak sedekah atau pun org2 buta yg dipimpin oleh org2 yg physically able to work. mungkin kerepek tu dibuat dgn membuta tuli sebab sumpah rase die tak sedap weh!

Let say if betul la penjualan kerepek itu scam , adakah makcik2 itu akan dipukul ataupun tidak diberi makan kalau tak reach the targeted amount of daily selling in one day? adakah deorang akan didiskriminasikan oleh makcik2 yg lain? that disturbing thought that made me bought another packet of kerepek from that senile old woman.

malam nie kucing2 kat dpn rumah aku akan kenyang. dan mungkin sakit perut sebab tadi aku beli kerepek pedas.

and tadi , kurang 10 menet lepas, aku jadi budak baik lagi


aku sedekah kat org buta. org buta tu pakcik tua,pakai kopiah , bawak tongkat ngan pegang the poorly designed pocket size calendar. itu mmg attire deorang ke? like is kopiah symbolize the "kebaikan". i dont know. i dont pass judgement. aku sedekah dgn ikhlas. sungguh!

and lagi satu, deorang , this profesional certified begger mesti akan ditemani oleh org2 yg sehat. i mean , kalau betul ko nak tlg org tua tu , tak bole ke ko kerja sendri? i mean u are capable of handling heavy machine. aku rasa kerja contract , walaupun risky tapi bole earn big bucks. deorang tak malu ke kerja camni. aku rase mmg deorang tak malu sebab kalau malu mesti deorang kerja kontrak rather than kerja jalan2 pegang org buta.

ok enuff said. aku da byk merepek. mungkin sebab tu aku beli kerepek tu, sebab aku byk merepek. pek pek. pepek! perkataan pepek itu sungguh comel tapi kenape kite telah dibrainwashed oleh society dgn meng-treat-kan perkataan itu sebagai salah satu taboo? lagi2 org2 outskirt atau bahasa melayunya kampung/luar bandar.

kalau aku ade kucing , aku bagi nama pepek. like srsly! then again , to think about it , mmg dalam bahasa inggeris deorang panggil kucing itu pussy. Haaaa! takpun aku bagi name pepek + pussy = peksy!

here peksy peksy peksy. mungkin kucing aku itu berkaler kola, camne kaler kola itu? probably brown ash-like with strikes of few lighter shades. with frizzy fur! wow.

diri sendri tak bole nak bela. nie nak bela kucing. cyberpet dulu pun slalu rosak.

p/s : merepek in bm is harder than i thought. sukar!

p/s : WEH MAKCIK TU LALU DEPAN AKU DOH!!!! bag yg die bawak da nampak kempis. ramai org beli kerepek kat die. alhamdullilah ringan sket beban makcik tu. balik nie mesti die dapat makan nasik ngan ayam and dapat sticker star dalam *bulu lejer die.


maybe sebab aku ade *soft sport utk org tua yg berhempas pulas buat kerja berat.

maybe sebab aku ade soft spot utk org tua yg berhempas pulas buat kerja berat.

tiada satu pun sukan didunia ini yg lembut. (soft sport. geddit?) ade ke sukan main baling2 angin? itu lembut kan?


balik nie mesti die dapat makan nasik ngan ayam and dapat sticker star dalam bulu lejer die

balik nie mesti die dapat makan nasik ngan ayam and dapat sticker star dalam buku lejer die

tiada apa yg perlu dikomen. sungguh nista skali apa yg aku rasa skrang. kalau cekgu bm aku tau pasal nie mesti die rase suicidal! bulu lejer tu ape la sial? cam nama jawa totok mane je..oh wak lejherrr!

p/s : kalau ade ralat lagi sile la bagitau eh. aku manusia,bukan computer.

The Unsettling Thoughts

I still doing my thesis.

I am hungry.

Like super starving it almost form a big hole in my stomach just to illustrate how hungry i am.

So i contemplate on the options that i have.

Cook? what is there to cook other then dust , various type of bugs and expired salt?

So no, cook is out of the picture.

Mamak? bluerh~ just the tot of that unwashed hairy colored hand make me die a little bit inside. not to mention the same shade of the lauk that could result in unsettling constipation.

HAAA! suddenly a thought occured my mind. why not delivery?

Its been awhile that i havent experience the delightful taste of Big Mac.

but then i remember that







US Product.


never have i thought this day would come where i have to boycott my necessities.

abeh tu aku nak makan apa?

nak gosok gigi pun tak bole gune colgate? kayu sugi plak payah nak cari?

wonderbra ngan victoria secret pun tak bole nak pakai. abeh tu tarikan graviti kat tities nie sape nak jawab?

bole ke aku dgr lagu2 dari Panic of the disco? her space holiday? ataupun james morrison?

ticket Jason Mraz yg aku da beli nie takkan nak koyak?

Alahai Us..kenape la ko jadi dalang, menyusahkan idop la sial!

nie sume pengaruh mami suruh boikot us dollars.

Mummy : kita kene cinta keamanan! boikot us product. kakak jgn isap marlboro lagi. isap dunhill.

at least mak aku bagi aku isap rokok lagi. haih.

p/s : aku tgh lapa nie. tlg!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Long Awaiting Show

OMG OMG OMG JASON MRAZ IN MALAYSIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am so going to save my half virgin for him! hahahhahaha

ok i sound like a bimbo who just had an intercourse with a merman who just had intercourse with a whale who just had a mind blasting 69 with a plankton. i dont know how it works, u brilliant brain figure it out urself.



ok i've gone too far.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Rendition from Another Iota of My Imaginations

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

maybe near the sunshine or beside a shadeless rainbow where not even a single leprachoun would wanna put their pot of sparkling gold anywhere nearby.

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

hopefully 2 minutes away from the nearest bakery so i could smell the freshly baked buns first thing in the morning. Or maybe 30 steps away from the candy factory where i could just sit there , on the bench , and just eye on the brilliantly colorful preservative being added on the candies through the glass windows. Maybe i could fish out some marshmallow on my way back , just in case i have nothing to eat for breakfast the next morning.

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

probably far far away from the land full of hatred , trepidations and apprehension and adversity. Far far away from the bad people , from the bad people who appeared to be a saint , or a saint who portray the satanic side of themselves. Maybe far far away from the one who thought that the world is the shape of a square or perhaps far far away from the people who concretely believe that an apple is actually a reincarnation of a forbidden elixir that could bring a decease form back to life.

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

I wanna be on top of the roller coaster , where the peak of the rail doesn't frightened the hell out of me anymore. I wanna be able to look down and smile in satisfaction. I wanna be able to overcome my fear of height. I want people to look up to me. I want people to awe in amazement. "Hey look , that is one brave girl" one would say while pointing their index finger to my direction.

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

I wanna be where i am truly appreciated. Where everything i do will get credited , where every single thing i say will be taken seriously , where i don't have to fake a smile , where people come to me for advice , where I'd be the wise one , where i could do something to help those who had difficulties in handling their life.

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

No no , definitely not where people see me as an average Jane. Not where people doesn't know my name , not where everything i do go down the drain. Especially not where i would be easily brake down in tears in my solitary existence. Not where i would be easily hurt , not where i would be easily betrayed , not where my trust would be facilely violated.

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

I wanna wake up beside the one who stole my heart , and never giving it back to me. The one who when curving up his mouth would straightened up all the problems that occupying my mind. The one who would just sit there and just listen to all my nonsenses and bullshits. The one who would hug me so tight and protect me from all the dreadful monstrosity of the outside world.

Where would i wanna be when i grow up?

i wanna be on the moon. Fly up up up high to the sky until i could touch the edge of the pointy glistering star. I wanna see if theres any autumn leafs flying rhythmically to the unheard sound of nature up in Planet Mars. I wanna witness the wonderful extraordinary sight of the blasting supernova. The endless beauty of the Milky Way i would want to observe. to the moon to the moon.

Brace yourself for yet another unprepared performance of a multitasking girl.

p/s : diena buat thesis please. jgn nak tulis bende merepek2 lagi. awak tanak grad ke tahun nie? *demn u , the voice inside my head. pfffttt!!!!*

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Another Survey

I need a help. a desperate help more like it.

answer this
survey and make my life less complicated. i need to analyze this survey in order to complete my thesis. yes the subject that i have to complete no matter how much loath juice i involuntarily spill on it.

please pleas please pretty please with cherry on top

.. or whatever concept of life u needed to change.

thank u in advance u guys! seriously. i love u guys instantly!

p/s : u'd be doing a nation a big indelible deed by answering this because god knows that u havent done anything good in the past week. so yeah, just answer it and i'll post u some of my lollipops.

The Wrong Lingua

Mak aku nak masak , tapi tetibe tade bahan , pastu die cakap

Mummy : Mummy tade sayur dohh~~

me and miya : auhwuahwuahwuahuwhauhwuahahuahwuahwuhawuhahuawhuahwuha

mummy : mcm mane nak masak utk korang ni siuttt~~

me and miya : UHWHUAHUHWUHUAHUHUWHUAHUHUWHUAHHUHWUHA (gelak guling2 sambil langgar furniture dalam rumah)

mummy please , it aint cool talking like us teens. u shud stick with ur own languange rather than picking up on urs.

p/s : lepas nie jgn tanye kenape mak aku kuar pakai baju ala2 lapsap

Monday, January 12, 2009

The Confession of Wrong Doing

She went through 9 full moon of months carrying me in a state of discomfort , distress , uneasy , prickly and agonizing moments of maternity. (and 10 days extra as if those 9 months wasnt painful enuff)

She has to go another almost a month to recovered after squeezing me through the tunnel of her fallopian tube.

She lactated for me, willingly letting her system being unbalanced for the sake of feeding my little mouth for the natural produced body milk.

She is the one and only my MUMMY!

apart for being an awesome mom , she is also a/n

outstanding cooker! like super srsly! i could eat a whole horse if she ever grilled em.

a great money supplier. hahahhaa~ like truly ever really. i am spoil , rotten to the very deepest core of my ground.

an intelligent woman. she could dictates the whole colony of guerrilla if given a chance.

more like a friends rather than a progenitor to me. we talk about almost everything. like the whole context of conversation that should be forbidden being discussed between a daughter and her mother.

She is , without the slightest hint of doubt , the most understanding woman towards her children i had ever encountered. She comprehend to almost over every single things that i've done or planning on doing.

So the story starts here.not here down one line from here

So that morning, my whole sibs , nieces and my mom went to breakfast at this one kedai kampung near our house. After 20 minutes or so of our morning chow down, we went to buy some groceries for our almost dried up kitchen.Abg and the rest waited in the car while my mom and i went to the close area of what supposedly to be a wet market where the smells arent exactly similiar to the taste of a shadeless rainbow . On the way to the wet market , we passed by this kedai toto/kedai nombor/judi/taruh nasib and suddenly

si aku : mummy, kalau kakak cakap nie mummy jgn marah k
mak diena : ape die?
si aku : hmm..kakak dulu pernah beli nomborr~~ (cakap ngan nada girang supaya it sounds like it was nuthing but i swear my voice was shaking)
mak diena : hehehe (her giggles made my system of anxiety brokedown went back to normal) mummy cakap ni pun kakak jgn marah tau.
si aku : ape ape ape??
mak diena : mummy dulu pun pernah beli jugak utk datin xxxx (bkn name sebenar). mummy tlg belikan je!
si aku : hehehhehe

m.o.t.s.i : lain kali kalau buat jahat or silap ngaku je kat mak. mungkin die akan marah dan mungkin jugak die akan memahami , itu pun kalau korang dapat mak cam mak aku. kalau tak , good luck brother bear!

p/s : my mom is sooooo coool she could melted the entire iceberg's population on the surface of what issit called again? atlantic ocean? artic ocean? i dont know i realy truly phailed geography in high school. i love u mummy!!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Nite (of loserness)

Tonite is the nite

the nite of hope and thousand promises

the nite of


m gonna watch it at asia cafe. so if chelsea lose, u can see me crying infront of 7-11.

good day ppl! and good luck fellow chelsians!

dont forget to tip ur waiter/ess or else u'll endup consuming their saliva.



da la kalah bet pastu kene ejek. sial la!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

arghhhhhhhh!!! tempek2 kemaluan dimuka nie still covered thick with washout failureness!

da la nuff said!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Dead Meat

mati la aku.

esok submision ngan presentation.

keje tak siap lagi.

mati la aku.

screen design satu pun tak buat lagi.

mock up lagi la.

oh, pagi tadi terjadi lg satu kejadian macam nie.


sumpah aku igt aku da bangun doh. sumpah sumpah!

da la nak buat keje. babai!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Sang Sakai Menyanyi2 sebab tension buat keje yg byk gile.

sape ntah budak nie. nyanyi2 cam org gile. org gile pun tak ngaku die gile kalau nampak budak nie. haih.

seriously diena . do ur work!

diena : ye la ye la..nak buat la nie..godammit!!!! i have to focuss focusss!! focuss diena fokus!!

p/s : mind the absence of the brain.

After the pointless dialog within herself , she , diena went to do her work.

but 30 minutes after , she realized that she couldnt take any of her work anymore , so she put down her sketch pen and put all of her half-done sketches inside an opening of the plastic file that she bought somewhere in cyberjaya.

And then , she positioned herself comfortably on the black chair , switched on her camera , and the torturing singing begin all over again

p/s : dedua video nie padahal same je. tak creative langsung. sikit2 lighter. demn son!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Pictorial Tales of Almost Grown-Up Girl and Her Monstrous Cavities-Induce Lopipopas

Once upon a time , a very very long time ago if measured/counted by nanoseconds , there was a girl , who is still breathing right till this very moment. She , the girl who m writing about, favored to be called Jessica Alba , altho her appearance doesn't really matched the name. So with heavy heart she just settled on responding to diena or dayana when being called.

She , this diena girl , was a very very busy girl. She got tons and tons of assignment that had to be done , but still she didnt care. Her oblivious nature was uncompromisable as one would agreed because she always, like repeatedly always be a last-minuter. Being one , she'd constantly whining and bitching and dreading whenever that was not enough time to finish on her given task. And people , a person with a mercy soul , doesn't like this behavior , especially the people around her. Shes giving all her comrades a bad vibe. Bad vibe that is detectable by a dog nose that is filled with a sticky greenish-blueish gooey slimy and possibly-be biodegradable mucuses.

So anyways , one day , she encountered a boy. This boy was bearing a gift for her. Like any other prattling school girl , she was ecstasized by this surprising moments. She loved surprises! good or bad , she loved them both. Even if she knew that taking things for stranger could be life-threatening but that was the risk she willing to take because she didnt like the thought of "
the route not taken" occupying and haunting her mind in the future. So this boy , this yet-to-be-acquaintance stranger gave her this HUGE COLOSSAL GIGANTIC EXTRAORDINARY BULKY CHUPA CHUPS LOLLYPOP! Like really big you could fit two cages of elephant in it and still have a room for a flocks of delivery storks to hide babies that have been transformed mutatically due to the deadly overexposure of the remaining chemicals nuclear toxics from the world war II.

She accepted the gifts from the unnamed stranger and after expressing her gratitude to that boy she then happily skipping one legged all the way to her house without worrying about the consequences of the pain that her ankle might suffers later on. As soon as she slammed her front door shut , she hurried to her sanctuary , her hidden haven where she find solace from the outside staggering world , the place where her bed was positioned beside the oval-shaped window so that she could contemplate in sky gazing on the evening where the ray of sunshine weren't so bright. This was the place she hang-signed a steel shiny plate that had a beautifully engrossed italic letters in front of her sandalwood door that said
"THIS IS MY ROOM! DO NOT ENTER UNLESS YOUR MOTHER SHIT GOLD BUT EVEN IF SHE DOES,IT WOULDN'T BE THE SAME BECAUSE SHE SHIT TURD THAT SHAPED LIKE A GOLD NOT A GOLDEN FECES! SO STAY OUT AND FAR FAR AWAY OR ELSE...!" she didn't stated the "or else.." because she always thought that unfinished sentence give an impression of alarming factor to her visitor and leave them to their own imaginations.

After she securely locked her door room , she quickly jumped on her bed which made few of her plushie immediately flown on the air. She settled herself by sitting cross legged on the middle of the soft mattress and put the supremely huge lollipop after cradling it for quite some time. "Ouch that hurts!" a voice suddenly emitted. "BLOODDYY HEYLLL!!!" she shrieked in horror. "YOU CAN BLOODY TALK???" she asked using the highest pitch of her voice that almost sound like a chipmunk if u ask me. "DUH~ of course i can. i have soul unlike u." the voice that came from the lollypop hissed back at her. "WATAFAKAKAKAK?? i may not have soul but i do have a pair of hand that m gonna use to strangle dear oh u if u keep on using that tone at me. and oh, i also will use this *she pointed at her left foot* and shove up right in ur back hole, that is if u have one" she back-fired the supposedly inanimate piece of candy.

The lollipop shut up almost instantly after he/she heard that. "Kimut" the candy said , almost discreetly. "thafak?" diena asked in puzzled. "My name is Kimut. Kee-h-moot" kimut explained himself. "Oh ok, kimut. mine is diena. nice to meet u." diena politely replied back and from that moment onwards , began a remarkable story of a girl who fell in love with her candy stick.

diena having a doubtful moment of kimut. because sometime he thought that he wud be better off as a can opener rather than a giant candy.

but nevertheless she still loves kimut for what he is. no matter wat.

sometimes, when people are not looking , kimut wud kiss diena. half-heartedly that is. but she doesnt care as long as kimut kisses her.

and she will kiss kimut back. as a reminder of her insanity.

she sometime pretends that kimut is a magical wand that sailor saturn from sailormoon used to summon a magic.

and when kimut provokes her , she will bite him viciously until her dignity is shamelessly punctured.

but then who is she kidding, she still adored him. always and forever.

kimuts likes to be tickles using diena's nose. as obscene as this may seemed , the part where her nose is placed is actually kimut's knees.

this is when kimuts feels really horny. he just like to cheek-fuck diena. she doesnt like it but she still compromising with kimut's odd fetishes.

kimut g toilet. wash up after all the tiring cheek-fucking session. diena feels lonely..

but little that kimut knows that diena is three timing him with inkheart and inkspell (by the amazing cornelia funke). threesome has never been so magical.


muke puas. hahahha

believe me , kissing plastic is better than a mouth that smell like ur father unwashed underwear.

everynite , kimut will sing or hum a song or lullaby until diena is sound asleep. sometime kimut fell asleep on his own.

cheek-fucking on action.

i love u kimut. u are the best thing that ever happened in my life. like ever.

soft-core cheek-cuddling. cam pinochio kan? dont u think so?

OK BYE PEOPLE! ade org call! i better attend to this call before i really lost my sanity.

p/s : thanks for reading this brainless story. can somebody help me restore my reality back? please?