Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Chocolate Madness

Call me kiddies , call me little girl , call me anything related to immature but when it comes to choosing chocolate biscuit , i know quality better than other.

And i tell you , i am one hellava fussy food chooser , especially when it comes to chocolate. My tongue get swell whenever chocolate that tasted like shit comes into contact. Anyways , there is one chocolate biscuit that always has a special place in my collection.

Behold , here i present before you , HELLO PANDA!

The only choco bisc i never get bored of and to prove my hypothesis , all of my fellow MA batch agreed without any hesitation. I have injected the Hello Panda Revelation into their grown up life. Booyahhh~

Anyways , on other non-choco related story.

I've found another snacks that succeeded on having the same effects of what Hello Panda does. It's called Special-K Bar Vanilla Crisp. Im not sure if this snacks will be forever on top on my list but i'll keep a close watch on this. Here is the video ive made yesterday talking about the product. Enjoy~


Anonymous said...

Oh God! I think i just jizzed my pants. That was some nice sucking :)

MANIS said...

hey.... u rindu rice crispy? sgt mudah ok nak buat.... my younger sister just made it and it taste exactly the same. all u need is marshmallow,butter and rice puffs!

melt the setengah ketul butter (buttercup/butterlite etc etc) and 1 small bag of marshmallows.

while it is still hot, pour over on the rice puffs. tekan2, shape it inside a baking pan. pastu tunggu sejuk. pstu potong2. pastu makannnnnn...

Johnny Pimples said...

special k? haha it sound soo wrong! haha have a nice day miss wong :)