Monday, June 15, 2009

Autobiography : Guess What Am I ? - [Chapter 1]

Chapter 1

It was exactly this date i was being perfectly born last year. I can still remember vividly how the process went on for producing not only me but millions of my friend as well.I always known that i am a product of some kind , but never really take it deeply to my heart of how short my lifespan would be depending on the expiry date.I rather be ignorant and just go on with my life like it was intended to be.

The factory i was being born in was generously huge , it would take a transportation for one to travel from one end to another. It was so big that i felt so lonely inside.Its funny really how u can have so many friend , so many comrade yet still feeling lonely and trapped within your own self. I am alone with the companion of my three beatless hearts, each which being sealed tightly in a form of a plastic sachet. Honestly , I have no idea whats happening nor can i anticipate what would happen next.

The next morning , when i open my eyes , i was at totally different place . This is not what i remembered it was yesterday. The room felt much more colder but not in a harmful way. The surrounding was better than before , much more tidier i would say, less cramp and the space wasn't so bad either. What top it all off is the quieter and comforting sound of a repetitive melody playing on the air.I already adapting to this new situation without realizing it. Suddenly i heard a loud DINGGGG followed by a faint thud of closing door coming out of nowhere. "Hello , Welcome to KK Mart" a voice echoed behind me.

to be continued....


Iwan Shah Zainal said...


Iwan Shah Zainal said...

no..guess expiry date for wine...missed that

syaaban said...

diena,last nite u ade attend wedding kt dewan bahasa pustaka ke?
rasa mcm nampak u..
tp tak sure...

Anonymous said...

durex® love condoms is my guess...

cikudi said...

syaaban : yeah..i pegi wedding tu..its my boifren punye kazen punye wedding..hehe

others : the story isnt quite finish yet..hahha