Monday, January 31, 2011


Ketepikan sekejap perbincangan mengenai IT di JomPHP, kerana ada isu penting dan serius yang ingin disampaikan. Kalau anda bukan duduk di bawah batu, pasti ada terdengar berita mengenai revolusi rakyat Mesir menentang kerajaan pimpinan Hosni Mubarak.

Ketahuilah bahawa keadaan di sana adalah lebih teruk daripada jangkaan anda. Kalau anda baca akhbar harian dan tengok tv mainstream anda tak tahu apa yang berlaku secara terperinci. Asyik2 isu fasha sandha yang tak habis-habis lagi. PM kita pula sibuk dengan DUN Tenang dan spam email rakyat dengan ucapan CNY.

Kalau anda membaca post ini, harap boleh sebarkan di facebook, twitter, blog, tumblr masing2. Kalau boleh biar satu Malaysia tahu sebab ianya sangat penting. Ini melibatkan keselamatan, maruah, nyawa dan masa depan lebih 6000 pelajar Malaysia di sana. Kita harap dengan tersebarnya maklumat pihak kerajaan dapat melakukan tindakan yang sewajarnya.

edit: angka sebenar jumlah pelajar Malaysia di sana tidak diketahui, tapi ada sumber memaklumkan terdapat 11,000 rakyat Malaysia tinggal di seluruh Mesir.

Ringkasan : Rusuhan dan darurat di Mesir adalah berpunca daripada revolusi rakyat menentang kerajaan pimpinan Hosni Mubarak. Revolusi ini diinspirasikan daripada revolusi tunisia baru-baru ini dan dijangka banyak negara timur tengah akan turut menurut jejak langkah rakyat Tunisia dan Mesir untuk ber-demo.

Hosni Mubarak ialah diktator yang memerintah Mesir selama 30 tahun, dan mungkin anda tidak tahu Hosni Mubarak adalah pemerintah kejam, perampas harta rakyat dan juga sekutu US dan juga menyokong Israel. Media Malaysia kurang melaporkan berita mengenai ini dan ramai yang tidak tahu, ingat Mesir…bunyi Arab tu semua aman…semua baik-baik ke? Dah jadi riot baru kecoh satu dunia.

1. Huru-hara dan rusuhan di hampir semua tempat di Mesir

huru hara di mesir

Rusuhan berlaku merata-rata tempat, orang awam bertempur dengan polis dan tentera…ramai terkorban, ramai cedera parah. Orang yang tak bersalah pun boleh jadi mangsa tanpa sedar.

2. Internet, Komunikasi Telefon Bimbit disekat

Dah beberapa hari sejak kerajaan Mesir menyekat Internet dan komunikasi telefon bimbit serta servis blackberry. Menyukarkan orang ramai untuk berhubung.

Ramai ibu bapa di Malaysia risau keadaan anak mereka di Mesir yang gagal dihubungi dan tidak tahu keadaan terkini isu di sana.

3. 5000 banduan terlepas dari penjara

Antara kes “prison break” terbesar setakat ini…5000 banduan telah terlepas dari penjara. 5000 tu jumlah yang sangat ramai, dan agak-agak apa banduan yang dah lama kena penjara akan buat bila dah terlepas? Dengar2 banduan pula spesies ganas2 yang terlepas.

Tak mungkin mereka insaf…yang pasti keganasan meningkat dan ramai menghadapi ancaman teruk.


4. Pelajar Malaysia dirogol, dirompak

Dengar berita ada pelajar Malaysia di Mesir yang telah menjadi mangsa rogol dan rompak. Rumah yang didiami mereka dicerobohi dan mereka tinggal dalam ketakutan.

Ini bukan perkara main-main kerana melibatkan maruah dan nyawa rakyat kita sendiri. Minta pihak kerajaan Malaysia memandang serius perkara ini, sebab kalau ikutkan coverage di akhbar dan tv sekarang memang langsung tak dipandang serius.

5. Darurat, krisis tempat tinggal dan makanan

Tahu tak apa masalah besar bila darurat berlaku? Ramai akan menghadapi masalah tempat tinggal sebab macam dinyatakan di atas, kena ceroboh, kena bakar dll. Nak makan pun susah, kedai mana yang berani buka time kecoh-kecoh macam nie.

Lagi parah bila ada kemalangan, luka-luka dan terkena penyakit. Silap-silap dari sakit ringan-ringan boleh maut sebab tak dapat rawatan sebetulnya.

6. Airport, Balai Polis, Kereta diserang, dibakar

airport di bakar

Lapangan terbang diceroboh dan di serang, dan segala urusan penerbangan banyak yang terpaksa di batalkan atas sebab keselamatan. Yang selamat hanya mereka yang ada pesawat peribadi.

Balai-balai polis dan kereta serta kenderaan di jalanraya banyak yang dibakar oleh perusuh. Terdapat juga insiden pihak tentera melanggar perusuh dengan kereta.

7. Bloggers seluruh Malaysia, take note!

Sebarkan maklumat berikut; dan minta kerajaan Malaysia memberi priority sebaik mungkin untuk isu ini.

Kita memohon supaya kerajaan Malaysia memandang serius hal ini. Bukan sahaja di Mansoura, malah di seluruh Mesir keselamatan rakyat kita terancam.

Segala update berkenaan keadaan di sana boleh dibaca melalui blog Krisis Mesir, Nasib Pelajar Kita

Jika ada cadangan di luar sana untuk membantu kami mendapatkan perhatian kerajaan Malaysia, sila hubungi Nurul Nadia Binti Md Zin di 017-3193923

Atau melalui:
Facebook: Nuvul Nadiva Dizavch
Twitter: DyyaDizarch
Blog: Nadia-ism

Please let all Malaysians know about this. I will do the same but I need your help too especially to all the bloggers out there. May Allah save our citizens there.

- Nadia

8. Sebar-sebarkan berita mengenai ini

Mintak tolong sebar berita ini di facebook, twitter, yahoo messenger, email dll. Nak copy paste tak bagi kredit pun tak kisah kali ini, yang penting kita nak maklumat ini tersebar.

9. Bacaan berguna

Bagi yang tak tahu menahu mengenai isu ini boleh baca beberapa link berikut:

1. Krisis Mesir, Nasib Pelajar Kita

2. Facebook Pages – Selamatkan Pelajar kita di Egypt

3. What’s happening in Egypt

4. Ariffshah : Krisis Mesir Nasib Pelajar Kita

5. Obefiend – revolusi piramid bukan MLM Mesir

Sudah-sudah baca gosip artis Fasha Sandha dll, lupakan mereka seketika untuk memandang serius isu ini.

Yang ada Astro pun boleh tengok siaran Al-Jazeera. Sekian, entri khidmat masyarakat dari kami di JomPHP.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Old ladies at toodlers party

As per title suggested,
Last saturday was Alisya Sofea's 1st birthday. Her mom , Maria or Cicik which was her nickname since forever , invited us bunch to go to this little sweetie party. I say wohoooooooooooooooooo partyyy , regardless what occasion it is hahhaa.

Well, i dont want to go on ramble or else ill end up torturing myself with words that come out from this pair up team of threatening finger and brain of mine.Arrays of words that i can guarantee would involuntarily spewing out are sets of "forever alone,loneliness,soulmate-repellent,barren soil,barefaced chunky meat,no body wants to marry u with the physical as near as disfigured badger with that crazy lazy left eye"

see told ya it would come back and pierce my soul into pieces.


Anyways , enjoy the photographic evidence i took so that i in 50 years i can look back and wonder why i didnt get married to the old geezer who the only way he can get excited is to get his urinated tube shaken vigorously , not that fast though or else something might get detached. hee hee. ok im talking crap.

bye now.

Here is the majestically bake birthday cake that i didnt have when i was 1. As far as i could remember ,my mom only mold a couple of breads into a round shape and didnt have the decency to even put a candle on it. She substituted it with the fire starter though. I was quite happy that time. THAT TIME! what do u expect? i was freaking 1 years old!

cupcakes fairies! yey i love cupcake but preferably with those with less icing because with age like this, sweets can only meant venom in disguised.

this is aisyah,pretty lilttle doll. no , not the birthday girl though.

And tadaaaa~ stands the birthday girl , clueless and pretty hyper for the day.

Including her mom, she was excited as hell , as if it was her birthday. I think she have forgotten that she already gone that phase where another hearts beat already slides through her birth canal.

told ya the little princess was clueless but pay attention to the other girl on far right , her ready face looks like shes gonna gnaw down on the whole cake. "ITS PINK ITS PINK . I CANT CONTROL MYSELF!" her inner self rampage on mute mode.

This is actually the candle. I bet u guys didnt realized it at first and that makes the both of us. WHO THE HELL BAKED A CAKE AND PUT A FREAKING CANDLE IN BETWEEN A NAKED BOOBLESS GIRL? My dirty mind tried so hard to armor any nasty thought from hammering in but dirty mind is dirty mind and dirty mind just doing what dirty mind knows best. being dirty in the dirtiest hours possible. this is definitely not an innocence cake with an audience with dirty mind like mine.

On a lighter note, here are the cupcakes that i took from the stand. Issit me or the ladybug accidentally positioned as if she is pooping?

Told ya she is pooping. bad bug bad bad bug!

still clueeless and happily clapping her achievement in life.

Lastly, the whole set of makciks-makciks in a toodler's party. talking about life and future , bleak future and more interesting past life.

Ok , ive said enough to last me for a week. Ill come back when my nonsensical drive is kicking in again.

p/s: Any grammatical , misplace of words , poor structure of sentence ,senseless point or any other flaw in the content is purely intended. or maybe im just too proud to care.

bye bye now again!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thank God its Friday?

It is yet another Friday evening.

Whats new?

I think my teeth is giving up on me.One broken the other day and had to be extracted out and yesterday , while i was enjoying my roti planta , there was this unusual situation in my mouth and as i do the inspection, i found out that i chipped one of my tooth. A fragment of this one tooth fell off. i dont know why :( .

Is this because i love to eat sweets and candy?

I hope not.


Well , while everyone is Thanking God because its Friday, I on the other hand is thanking god because i live to see another Friday.


But before i go , let me entertain u with my silly faces.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The day i feel like minrems


Two piece cardigan from blogshop = MYR 33

sleeveless tops bangkok = MYR 8

Jeans from Ruffey = MYR 60

Hello there,
This is what i wore the whole day. It is nice,comfy and casual but the only thing that failed was i forgot to detach my bra strap therefore revealing itself whenever the hinge of the white tops didnt align propoerly with the strap THUS making me look like rempit girl who purposely shown her pink lacey bra strap to a potential one night stander.

Just thinking about it makes my heart leaps frantically in a nasty way. Like those bad disfigured heart they always portray on a PSA of Anti-Smoking campaign.

Self reminder : Detach bra strap unless u are hunting for a man with poor physical performance but with rich dirty imagination.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Hello 2011 and Hello new fashion interest

This is my new entry for 2011,unlike any other years where i summarized and reflect back for what i did for the entire year. This year , i wont do that because i simply dont feel the need to look back or replaying my whole life over again. This year im gonna start new , not new life , but new spirit and determination. Insyaallah with God's will.

Anyways, i just find the most precious skirts. "Why does this skirt so precious?" One would ponder.

Well let me justify my statement.I found the skirt nestling quietly in a corner of some random store waiting to serve whoever that will be kind enough to make a purchase on her. IT IS SO DIRT CHEAP THAT I FELT LIKE STEALING IT! I had to convinced myself so many times that the figures on the price tag is only RM 16.90 . And with that , my impulsive nature kicked in. I bought two, one these and the other one is black.

Well, i think mixing up ur wardrobe is something fun to do. From now on , if i have the time , ill post out my fashion fix to share it with u girls.

For now , i hope that 2011 will treat us well. Be good and be safe yeah.


Skirt from random shop = MYR 16.9

tops from bangkok = MYR 20

Belt from FOS = MYR 18